Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to most of you, and/or Feliz Natal. Also Happy Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or whatever it is you celebrate.
Everyone at home, I really miss you guys and Christmas (Eve) just isn't the same without you all. Or in 85 degree weather. At least it rained today, which is about as close as I'm going to get to snow. So I hope everyone has a great holiday, just know that I'm thinking about all of you.


Anonymous said...

If I could box up some snow and send it to you, I would.

sheila said...

thanks, i appreciate it.
i'll just stick my head in the semi-cold freezer

Anonymous said...

i'm trying hard to feel bad for you or something, but i won't.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Sheila! We were talking about you today at Aunt Beth's. Hope you had as good a Christmas as possible. I can't imagine Christmas in hot weather!!

Anonymous said...

We missed you so much last night and today, Sheila! We did have a toast to you at dinner with the St. Julians, but it didn't help much. Kara and I just had vegetable soup and plain pasta since she is now vegan. Dad made two meat dishes for the carnivores. Christmas at Aunt Beth's was nice - good dinner and normal crazy things like Uncle Mark trying to put a boiling hot spoon on Uncle Gerald and Aunt Beth laughing like crazy at a song called "The Twelve Pains of Christmas." Oh yeah- and Sean biting my shoulder as I tried to get his camera away from him so I could delete a picture he took of me at the worst possible angle.(I have a bruise). What did you do on Christmas day? Remember we love you.

Anonymous said...

Hey I called you 5 times on Christmas day but no answer. What is up with that?!?!?!?!