In other news, carnaval starts tomorrow! and goes till Tuesday night. I might try to take some pictures for you guys, but I'm worried about getting my camera stolen, so I'll see if I can work something out.
Thursday and Saturday I'm going out in a bloco...that's when you follow a band on a big truck/float with tons of speakers down the street. It's corded off by security so that the millions (literally) of people in the street don't rush in. Friday Heidi will (hopefully) be getting here, and we'll go watch all the bands go by from above, in a camarote. Sunday, who knows. Rest a little. Then out of the craziness of Savador and off to southern Bahia to relax for the rest of the time. After that I might hang out in Heidi's little town for a few days, and mayyyybe head down to Vitoria to say hello to my host family from the last time I was in Brazil. All this by bus, yay.
So, it should be a busy week. I'll be sure to give updates whenever I get a chance.
Sheila! How is/was Carnaval!? Are you alive? We're definitely going to need some pictures.
Boo hoo.....I didn't get to do anything with you during Carnival. You had to be all selfish and like hang out with other people.
Gosh darnit, and I thought I was so cool!
all this by bus so its going to be a BUSy week, haha i get it hilarious
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope your camara didn't get stolen, you have an obligation to the blog readers now (aka davey and allison...haha jk, I like to read it too) - Update soon! :-)
I am boycotting this website because it is never updated.
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