Monday, October 31, 2005

Fall/Halloween '05

The leaves starting to turn:

This has nothing to do with fall, but this is the sweet lamp from the 50s I bought at a rummage sale:

I spent this past weekend visitng Amy in Washington DC. After some typical Sheila-type problems with the reservations, I got on a plane Saturday. That night we went out in Georgetown to a few bars, a club, then a fun house party.

Preparing Amy's hair (she looks like she has a beard, ha ha):

Frida, Flapper, Carmen:

Amy, with her beauteous unibrow, that I must take artistic credit for:

The Burger King and George Bush Senior:


Lion man and robot man that we met on the street in Georgetown:

The fact that this guy had a tatoo of Carmen Miranda should have been a red flag... hindsight is 20/20 i guess.

Ghostbuster man, how did you turn out to be so creepy?

Frida was bisexual:

Pretty lame costumes, but they were still fun guys:

Why did Uncle Rico show up again? Because he was weird, and I am convinced he spitefully stole my fruit hat. Don't let the picture fool you, that's a "get this guy off me" smile:


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

you shouldn't flaunt your sexual conquests like that....makes me jealous.:)

sheila said...

they aren't sexual conquests! i thought he was gay, he owns a hair salon! he followed me around all night and when i denied him, he stole my fruit hat. i'm very angry about that still.

Anonymous said...

We never fully confirmed whether or not Uncle Rico actually stole your fruit hat. We can only speculate that he did... Who else would've done such a heinous thing? Maybe creepy ghostbuster guy...